Wow – fun and competition, along with a real service to the community! Excitement, laughter, camaraderie, and good will be fostered in this fast-paced team event. Your group will be divided into teams of 10 or less. Their task will be to assemble a bicycle or other toy, using a packaged kit, tools and some creative extras. The group must decide on a plan to achieve their goal in time, to utilize everyone’s skills and to market their finished product to the judges.

During the assembly process, there will also be a table available with supplies to “enhance” the finished product and to create marketing posters. After the toys are all assembled, each team will have up to 1 minute to present their finished product and convince the judges that theirs is superior. Time allowing, there can also be a parade or race, to assure that all completed projects actually run efficiently. One of our assemble experts will review the safety and construction of each toy.

At the conclusion of this event, the bikes will be donated to a local charity for children.